Thirteen Origins: The Shaper #1 – Webstore Exclusive Cover – PRESALE
Chispa. The Thirteen Origins is a series of one-shot origin stories for the members of “The Thirteen,” a group of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans who discover they are chispas, able to wield impossible powers. Cal Casas has a lot of problems – they’re unhoused, for one, and they can’t get a specific jerk at work to gender them correctly, for two – but they’ve got things under control, for the most part. They don’t need anything more than a tent and their temp construction jobs, drifting from place to place because they know they’re not smart enough for much else. One thing they definitely don’t need is to get chispa abilities to form structures out of inorganic matter on their 18th birthday. Or, maybe Cal does need chispa powers…